Contact with members of the Western Australian Police for most people often comes when they least expect it and can be a daunting process.
It is important to always remain respectful and courteous when speaking to a police officer even if you feel that the police have no grounds to speak to you.
If you are asked by a member of the Western Australia Police for any of your identifying particulars, (name, date of birth and where you live), you must provide it to them. However once you have provided your identifying particulars you are under no further obligation to answer their questions, unless there is a legislative requirement to do so.
If the police officer informs you that there is a legislative requirement to provide particular details, ask the officer what the title of the legislation is and section number they are relying on to compel you to provide an answer.
It is also important for you to pay attention to what the police officer is saying to you and if you do not understand the questions they are asking of you, ask them to explain the question.
Before answering any police questions we recommend speaking to one of our lawyers. If you or one of your family has been arrested and are being held in police custody we can provide advice either over the telephone or by attending the police station where you or your family member is being held.
Some of the more common criminal matters we advise on are listed below:
1300 649 915
14 Grey Street,
Northam Western Australia 6401
PO Box 1305
Northam, Western Australia 6401
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