Wills and Probate

Your Will is one of the most important documents you have and it should be regularly reviewed and form part of your estate planning. We at Mortlock Ryan & Co can help you draft your Will to make sure the people you love and want to benefit after your death, do so. It is imperative that your will is appropriately drafted and correctly signed and witnessed otherwise your wishes may not be carried out.

We can help you identify the legal and moral obligations that the Courts expect when providing for the people you care about in your Will.

As we get older deciding who you can trust to assist you in your financial affairs and personal care can be a daunting task. Depending on your circumstances we can advise you about appointing either an attorney or your enduring power of attorney.


1300 649 915

14 Grey Street,
Northam Western Australia 6401

PO Box 1305
Northam, Western Australia 6401

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